Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Scott Christian College, established by the missionaries to primarily educate the sons and daughters of the downtrodden and the underprivileged sections of the society, today caters to the educational needs of the society as per the noble Education Policy of the Government of Tamilnadu, while constantly adapting itself to face the challenges in the field of collegiate education.
With 18 academic departments as well as a General Library and Physical Education Department, the college takes on the great responsibility of moulding the minds of students and leading them in the right direction in order to make them the future architects of India. We are taking every step to raise the standard of our students knowledge holistically.
This is indeed a happy spark that brought the reformation of lives through education. How proud should we be of the success that we have made with offered opportunities. As an institution, we are inordinately willing to see showers of blessings bestow upon this college and every individual who is a part of the future. Unitedly we take pride in addressing the culmination of years of hard work, the actualization of goals attained and yet to achieve. I am certain that with the help and services of highly knowledgeable, committed and sincere teaching faculty of this college, we would definitely reach our goals and fulfill our dreams. Henry Ford wisely said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress and working together is success”. As we ponder over the previous years, certainly there was a beginning and thankfully there was a progress and undeniably we have been successful by God’s abundant grace. We rededicate ourselves to uphold the trust bestowed on us by the missionaries, the founders of this great institution.
I wish and pray that the years ahead should be continued with compassion, objectivity and be always an example to lead the younger generation from darkness to light.