Dr. D. Henry Raja : 9488748900
Dr. J. Chitta : 98943 07505
Dr. A. Evangeline Jemi : 94868 64151
Dr. T. Staney Sherin : 94876 58971
Mrs. A. Mabel Gladies : 94894 78452
1. Any student admitted to the privileges of the Ida Marsden Ladies’ Hostel shall obey all the rules and regulations pertaining to the Hostel; and accept the decisions of the Warden and Hostel authorities in every matter concerning their stay. Students found guilty of violating
the rules, indiscipline, insubordination and disturbing the peace and harmony among the inmates will be severely punished, which may include summary dismissal.
2. At the time of admission, every inmate will be issued two Authorised Visitors’ Cards. Only those who present the official Visitor’s Card will be allowed to meet the student. Visitors are allowed only on all Sundays and second Saturdays between 10 a.m. and 4.p.m.
3. Hostel Fees
a. The establishment charge including room rent for students is Rs.4000/ – per Semester. An amenities fee of Rs.200/- will be collected every month. New entrants to the hostel must pay the entire establishment fee for the semester at the time of admission.
b. A deposit of Rs.1000/- shall be paid before admission is made. The deposit will be refunded less breakages, when the student leaves the hostel at the end of the course.
c. Guest rate is Rs.200/- per day. (Guests shall be admitted only with the permission of the Warden).
d. Students are not ordinarily allowed to leave the hostel in the course of the year. However, if a student insists on leaving the hostel, she will have to pay the entire establishment charges for the semester.
4. Students are advised not to bring expensive jewellery and clothing to the hostel. They must keep costly things under lock and key.
5. Every student shall be present at the roll call at 7.30 a.m. There will be prayers following this for which all Christian students are expected to be present. No student of other faiths will be compelled to attend the morning prayers. However, the morning roll call will be compulsory.