NCC (Army Wing)                                      Lt. (Dr.) C.P. Ben

NCC (Naval Wing)                                     Lt. (Dr.) S. Jeeva


A tree planting drive was organised by the NSS units 90,91,92,93, 123, 124&127 of Scott Christian College in collaboration with Nimir Trust, Nagercoil.Fruit tree saplings were planted in the college campus.

The NSS aims at providing opportunities to the student members to serve the society so as to make the members develop into better citizens. The regular activities of the NSS include theory classes as well as field work. The theory classes are spread over 4 semesters covering 24 topics like National Integration, Rural Development, Lab-to-land Technology, Theatre Arts, Evils of Dowry System, etc.

Other associated programmes are :-

  •  Health & Family Welfare,
  •  Environment,
  •  Social Service & Awareness,
  •  Emergency Management
  •  Disaster Management
    Every year, there are 10-day special camp activities, linking the college with the community and focusing on a social theme. This College has seven units of the National Service Scheme.

Programme Officers :-

  • Dr. N. Dharma Raj (Unit No: 90)      

    Dr. V. Christal (Unit No: 91)             

    Dr. S. Sujana Bai (Unit No: 92)        

    Dr. G. Jones Green (Unit No: 93)                  

    Mr. K. Zion (Unit No: 123)   

    Dr. R. S. Rajasree (Unit No: 124)      

    Dr. Dr. Jebitta M. Shirlin (Unit No: 127)

  Coastal cleaning at Kanyakumari

Eye camp

NSS – Tree planting at kanyakulam panchayat

NSS – Orientation Programme

Anti-drug awareness rally

Anti-drug awareness rally

NSS-Breast cancer awareness programme

NSS – Beach cleaning at Midalam

NSS – Swachhata hi seva activity

NSS – swachhata hi seva IOB bank cleaning

NSS – swachhata hi seva campus cleaning

NSS Day celebration and sapling planting

NSS – International yoga day celebration

NSS – swach Bharat clean campus drive

NSS – special camp river cleaning activity

NSS outreach programme

NSS – trekking at kalikesam

NSS – outreach programme and tree planting at government aadidravidar school, vazhayathuvayal

NSS – voters awareness rally

Anti-drug awareness rally

NSS cyber crime awareness rally

NSS cyber crime awareness rally

NSS – road safety awareness programme

NSS – special aadhar camp

NSS – walkathon rally

NSS – school students extension activity

NSS – youth awareness programme
