[Based on the guidelines of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India and the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University MSU/A/CO.UN.EL/2007-08]
- To provide leadership training and bring out students’s latent talents;
- To promote cultural and intellectual co-operation among the students;
- To make the students enlightened citizens by arousing their civic consciousness;
- To strive to develop character, discipline, sense of responsibility, honesty, integrity and efficiency among students;
- To organise meetings, debates, symposia, seminars and study circles which will involve student participation.
There shall be an electoral college, comprising all representatives of all classes, UG, PG & M.Phil, which will elect the Student Council Chairperson and the Student Council Secretary.
Composition of Council:-
The College Students Council will have four office-bearers. They are: Students’ Council, Chairperson, Students’ Council Vice-Chairperson (Female), Students Council Secretary and Students’ Council Joint-Secretary (Female). Eight more members will be nominated to the Students’ Council Executive Committee, the total strength of which, inclusive of office-bearers, should not, exceed twelve.
Mode of Election:-
Scott Christian College (Autonomous) has opted for indirect election. Under indirect election method, each class (major-wise) I, II and III years of undergraduate courses, I & II years of post-graduate programmes and M.Phil. programme will elect representatives based on student strength. Malayalam, Hindi and Hostel students will be represented by their secretaries. All these students will form the Electoral College to elect the office-bearers.
I & II Year UG classes 39 students and below :
1 representative 40 students and above : 2 representatives
III Year UG classes 39 students and below :
1 representative + Secretary 40 students and above : 2 representatives + Secretary
I Year PG classes : 1 representative
II Year PG classes : 1 representative + Secretary
M.Phil classes : 1 representative
Eligibility : Candidates contesting for the posts of Student Council Chairperson and Student.
Council Secretary of the Council:-
- should be a class representative / secretary of an association;
- should be either from final year UG or final year PG only;
- should at least have 85% attendance in the previous academic years in the college;
- should have passed 100% of the papers whose results stand declared by the College as on date;
- should not have criminal antecedents;
- should not have affiliation to any political or communal outfit; and against whom there shall not be disciplinary action of any kind whatever.
Norms on Campaigns in Council Election:-
The following norms, as per Government Orders / Supreme Court Directives / University Guidelines, should be followed strictly during the election campaigns. Any violation of the norms by the candidate or agents or supporters shall entail disqualification:
a. No outsider is permitted any role in the election process; nor shall any outsider be allowed into the campus during the days of election.
b. Posters, wall-writing, use of microphones / megaphones or other campaign materials are prohibited. Printed wall posters, pamphlets and handbills are banned.
c. Use of any means of enticing the students / corrupt practices such as offering gifts, eats and drinks are totally prohibited.
d. Seeking votes in the name of caste, community, religion, political and other affiliations is not permitted.
e. Any attempt to instigate or indulge in violence will disqualify the candidate.
f. No election related expenditure will be permitted.
g. No procession, either campaign or victory, shall be permitted within or outside the campus. In the event of violence or factional clashes, the Election Commission will cancel the whole election process and inform the decision to the University authority concerned.
Conduct of Election:-
a. The College Council reserves the right to choose the mode of election, direct / indirect.
b. Each college, through its College Council shall set up an Election Commission.The Election Commission, appointed by the College Council, shall have the responsibility of conducting the election for the College Students’ Council.
c. The duration of the process of election shall not exceed four days in a college.
d. The Election Commission will dispose of the election-related disputes and complaints within twenty-four hours.
Executive Committee:-
The Students Council Chairperson, the Students Council Vice Chairperson, the Students Council Council Secretary, the Students Council Joint Secretary and the nominated representatives shall constitute the Executive Committee. A workshop will be organized by the college to orient the student leaders to their new responsibilities.
Council Meetings:-
a. The Executive Committee shall meet only with the prior written consent of the Principal.
b. The quorum for the meeting of the Executive Committee shall be one third of the voting members of the Executive Council.
c. The Chairperson shall convene the Executive Committee meetings and shall preside over all meetings arranged under the auspices of the College Students’ Council.
Functions of Secretary:-
The Secretary shall organise all the activities of the Students’ Council such as meetings, debates, symposia and seminars with the prior approval of the Principal and also maintain a record of all the activities of the Council and the proceedings of the Executive Committee.
Non-interference in Internal Administration:-
The office-bearers / Executive Committee shall have no right to interfere in matters concerning student discipline or the internal administration of the college which shall be the prerogative of the Principal.
Code of Conduct:-
The office-bearers / Executive Committee shall neither participate in strikes nor instigate other students to boycott classes or to indulge in acts of lawlessness and violence, but shall endeavour their best to settle all disputes by peaceful negotiation with the authorities concerned.
No office- bearer of the College Students’ Council shall publish any report about the College in papers nor take any matter concerning the College to the Court of Law without the prior written permission of the Principal.
Removal of Office –bearers:-
If, in the opinion of the Principal, the activities of the officebearers of the Council are against the smooth working of the College, the Principal reserves the right, either to remove from office the erring office-bearer / office-bearers or to suspend the activities of the Council.