- To enable students making meaningful career choices in the broad spectrum of visual media.
- To train students towards a better congnizance of media by refining their creativity.
- To facilitate usage of alternative medium in order to bring about societal changes.
- To bring down the gap between academia and media industry.
- To train students in modern camera techniques
- To train students in graphics and animation with modern designing tools
To develop a centre for Excellence imparting innovative training in Visual Media with emphasis on alternative perspectives and aesthetic presentation of local realities using global media strategies.

B.Sc., Visual Communication is an undergraduate course established in the year 2020 in order to make the young aspirants understand the language of communication with its core essence of disseminating ideas and information in the form of signs and symbols, it further inculcates impressive work portfolios and multi-platform skills. The course incorporates Media Communication, Visual Literacy, Printing and Publication, Photography, Advertising, Television Production, Radio Production, Script Writing, Elements of Films, Audio Production, Video Editing, Animation and Web Designing, and Intern-ship training in leading media fields.