To help the students understand the greatness and necessity of national language.
To enrich language Skill through speaking, reading and writing articles in Hindi.
To guide the students to the world of Hindi Fiction, Drama one Act plays, Ancient and Modern Poetry, to understand the practice of Hindi Grammar and to introduce the specialities of Indian Culture.
The Department of Hindi aims to produce Linguistically Skilled, Socially and personally committed and intellectual students.

Hindi Department of the Scott Christian college(Autonomous) started functioning in the year 1950. The Department was introduced by G.H, Marsden, the European Missionary and former Principal of the college. It was headed by the distinguished faculty Pro. Krishnadas. The former distinguished personalities of Hindi department with their unique vision have helped, to shape the department and to grow and prosper. The department has produced many great Scholars.
Department of Hindi offer Hindi language under Part- I for all the UG Courses.TheDepartment provided 67Years of meritorious service to the institution. It is all because of the sincere and hard work of the former Professors, that the Department of Hindi still functions and hence, the privilege to learn the National language is maintained.
The Department is a stepping stone of success for many students.